Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Checking Out Some Social Networking Sites.

Some social networking sites that i have visited were Myspace, Facebook, Friendster, and Migente. These are all pretty popular social networking sites that have pretty much the same goal which is make friends online, contruct their own profile any way they want, and keep in touch with all of your friends. Each one of these have some type of advertisements and games that people invite their friends to play online.

Baruch New Media - Our Class Wiki - So Far

For my Wiki page I have been researching the uses of Virtual Worlds. So far i have been looking for anything that has to do with some type of virtual avatar that is supposed to represent the one using that virtual world like in video games, therapy, and how some businesses are planning how to advertise new things.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Social Networking and Virtual Worlds

The idea of living in a "Virtual World" has been a big thing to me. I always wanted to try and make an image of myself within a virtual world since I was about 10 years old and now there are many Virtual Worlds out there. Worlds of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI, Second Life and Virtual Lower East Side are just some examples of Virtual worlds that are out there that are being used for gaming and entertainment. Businesses also use some of these Virtual Worlds. Some people make a few buck from selling the Virtual World currency from video games to those who don't have enough time to play to make up the online money they need for certain things. Even IBM is trying to create their own Virtual world for training using the same concept that video games use according to "IBM Learning Programs get a 'Second Life'". There is a Dark side to these Virtual Worlds because since a lot of people know that they can basically stay anonymous or that they may never see that person they can blur out secrets or just make others uncomfortable by saying hurtful things just to start fights. I really don't know how much these virtual worlds will change but my idea is that most things will evolve to the way the Nintendo Wii is. That in the virtual world there would need to be more body movement with some kind of device. If not then it could just be powered by our imagination, meaning whatever we think of would be projected on our screens with some type of limits of course.

Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs vs. Wikis............. well there is clearly a difference between the two. Blogs cannot be changed by viewers or other people besides the person that posted the blog and on a wiki it is possible for other people to change information or add on towards that post. In the reading "An internal Wiki that's not Classified" it does mention that wiki is susceptible to wrong information but yet since it is also easily changed anyone who knows it is wrong can change it. Blogs can be used for collaboration to figure out problems with technology recently purchased or even give information or comment about a company's customer service providers. Wikis can be used for anything so I guess there are all kinds of wikis out there from this course's class wiki to video game wikis and so on.

My New Media Class – So Far

What kinds of technologies are part of the new media?
How important is the Internet to the new media?
Why and how are the new media replacing / enhancing the old media?
  • Well there are many technologies that are part of New Media such as Desk Top Computers, mobile phones, gaming systems, Laptops and even televisions are part of this. The internet is what really connects all of these things together though. The Internet is very important to new media. It allows easy access to all kinds of information and information can be easily changed or added. Like in the reading "IBM Learning Programs Get a 'SecondLife'" it talks about how people who are employed can change information about themselves and even their avatars. Their avatars can have anything they want but when it comes to some kind of serious meeting with the online avatars you can easily change their clothing and other things to make them less distracting to other people. New media is not really replacing all of old media but it is allowing old media to evolve and use new media. Books are one example of old media that is using the New media to sell and become read. You can get online books and get connected with everyone else who has that online book.